Best of 2019 (so far)
by Andy

It’s been a hell of a year so far and now it’s time to run down the albums that have stuck around the turntable the longest. For all the fraught emotions and everyday injustices, there’s still some bright spot of solace in music. That’s not a trade-off, but its something to keep you going. As usual, these are the best records that filter through the Raven aesthetic. I’ll be off next week on vacation so this 30-spot plus the ensuing two and a half hour mix will have to hold you for a week. Gonna take a break until the 2nd week of July. The second half of the year already has a few front runners, so enjoy these gems before the tail end of 2019 comes running atcha.
75 Dollar Bill
Amyl and the Sniffers
Best of 2019
Chris Forsyth
Dire Wolves
Endless Boogie
Fog Window
Garcia Peoples
J McFarlane's Reality Guest
John Howell
Kevin Morby
Martin Frawley
Mary Lattimore
Masaki Batoh
Olden Yolk
Peter Ferdinando
Possible Humans
Psychedelic Speed Freaks
Rose City Band
Sacred Lamp
Sad About The Times
Self-Discovery For Social Survival
Shana Cleveland
Uranium Club
Weyes Blood
William Tyler