Badge Époque Ensemble – “Conspiring With Nature”

A second single sneaks its way out of the upcoming Badge Époque Ensemble, and its yet another deep dose that pushes past the seven-minute mark. Still with an undercurrent of psychedelic jazz at its heart, “Conspiring With Nature,” pushes just a touch into psych-pop territory for the Canadian collective. Layered vocals nip at the lush pop of The Millennium and Sagittarius, while the band winds through the jazz-psych of later ‘60s and early ‘70s. Underneath the cloud bound vocals, sax, clavinet, and smoked Rhodes lines churn up the band’s always clear blue waters. The song comes in tow with a psych-streaked visualizer concocted by frequent collaborator Meg Remy, who also did the cover art. The album, Clouds of Joy, is out September 1st, from Telephone Explosion.

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