Wet Tuna – “Goin Up the Country > Rural Mines.”

This one popped up out of nowhere over the weekend and it’s a perfect accompaniment to the upcoming Wet Tuna album, Warping All By Yourself. Matt announced the new reocord on Three Lobed, preceded by the smoke-ring chug of lead single “Sweet Chump Change,” and the song gains a digital b-side this week with the Bandcamp-only release of “Goin Up the Country > Rural Mines.” Like the Tuna’s previous Eau’d To a Fake Bookie series of releases, the song takes a familiar classic, this time Canned Heat’s ode to rural living, and dubs it out into Tuna-twisted bliss. The track dissolves into chewy nodes of psychedelic froth before it comes to a close, making this a perfect companion piece to Valentine’s new bout of headtrip joy. Grab this one now and earmark the new record ASAP.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.