Saariselka – “Into The Wind”
Temp Res debuts a new collaboration between guitarist Chuck Johnson and composer Marielle Jakobsons and it’s the sparse, mossy valley western you’ve been looking for this whole year. Jakobsons had an excellent solo release on Thrill Jockey back in 2016 that was boiled in cosmic wonder and ethereal synth, and prior to that she’d been the primary force behind Date Palms, long a favorite around here with their own high plains ache. Johnson’s works on guitar have knotted outposts from Three Lobed, Scissor Tail, Strange Attractors, and Trouble in Mind. Here the pair leverage their respective strengths, washing Jakobsons’ synths in amber strokes of slide guitar, yawning the track out with a mournful grace. Marielle’s vocals complete the track, haunting “Into the Wind” with an almost overwhelming sadness, lost in their own sense of sorrow and rebirth. The album is out October 18th on Temporary Residence, LTD. Anticipation is high.
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