Animal Piss, It’s Everywhere – “Cheapo Wine”
Bringing together a bevy of familiar names around these parts, the maniacally monikered Animal Piss, It’s Everywhere announce their debut for Half A Million Records. The band, featuring members of Sunburned Hand of the Man, Wet Tuna, Pigeons, Gluebag, and Weeping Bong Band, take a tumble through the tar-slicked heat warp of private press country. Finding their feet glued to the funk of the Hagarty-heavy Drag City years the band dredges the drunken demeanor of VU fallout through the cosmic country garden, stealing a few Snock-level smirks along the way. The first couple of cuts give the listener a good look behind the curtain, swaying with hungover regrets and extolling the virtues of discounted wine. Needless to say, you need this one. The eponymous new album from the band is out June 30th.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.