Acid Mothers Temple

AMT resume their stance poking at the volcano of psych that they’ve had boiling for the better part of two decades now. Kawabata Makoto never fails to invoke the divine power of the psychedelic gods and here, he’s making no exceptions. They’re utilizing the benefit of space on the three longform tracks here, taking their time to build and crash each song like tiny cities turned to ash. The band digs in hard, with a flash of light and then roll deep into mantra territory on opener “Force in the Third System.” On this opening salvo they let things stretch and tumble, invoking bits of thunder and bouts of cinder then flip to backwards vocals sliding over droned and dropped sitar territory. They scrape the stratospheric bounce communications of space rock and dive back towards that welcomed fire with a tear-down of guitar fire and rhythm chug that levels the decks. Twenty minutes in the hands of AMT are never squandered, but the band take the task to wider skies on centerpiece “Nebulous Hyper Meditation.”
The second track eclipses the first, spanning over a half hour, it drops in with a cosmic float that pretty much invokes that title to the fullest extent before swapping the float for Kosmiche burble finding its footing in rhythm. The band chugs along on the rails without letting the beat drop for more than a minute or so. Their meditative state burns a lot hotter than most and under AMT’s watchful third eye any calming impulses start to smolder rather than melt. They close it out with a lonesome and almost mournful bit of space rock worship, bending the will of the six string cyclone to their own wicked wills. Years on there are those who may say that the Japanese collective have been pursuing the same psychedelic shred over the years, but in truth they’ve just been cracking universe one guitar riff at a time, scaling the mountains of madness only to bring fire back to those of us who are cold without it.
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