Uranium Club – “Man is the Loneliest Animal”

Out on the tattered edges of punk Minneapolis’ Uranium Club sits chewing the glass that others discard and spitting it back at them as blood n’ bile rendered sonic. While Pere Ubu, MX-80 and Dow Jones & The Industrials left scattered shards of punk’s more frantic future to be ignored by the bulk of the movement in favor of a more melodic beast and greater accessibility, Uranium Club came and picked up the bent metal time signatures as their own. Their second outing for Static Shock launches out of the gutter with the greased rat chaos of “Man Is The Loneliest Animal,” a panicked jab into the collective ears of a less than wanting public. The song stumbles in unassuming, crouching, licking its wounds before slashing wildly and drawing blood hard and fast. Definitely don’t miss out on their upcoming LP, The Cosmo Cleaners.

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