The Reds, Pinks and Purples – “Too Late For An Early Grave”

At this point, I don’t think I can sing the Reds, Pinks and Purples praises any louder, but if you’ve missed out these last few years its time to come around. Glenn burns off a bit of the haze that permeated Summer at Lands End, diving back to the jangles and warm aura that’s have been the band’s constant companions. The winking, “Too Late For An Early Grave,” parlays the melancholy of age into a soft-focus swing through blurred memories of Sarah-era East River Pipe and Felt’s Cherry Red years. Both poles are places that Donaldson and the RPP have explored, but every time he revisits, it still feels like uncharted territory. He’s constantly finding new shadows of their catalog that remain vital, an evergreen exploration of jangle’s bittersweet soul. The new album, The Town That Cursed Your Name, is out March 24th from Tough Love and Slumberland.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.