The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol

One of the cornerstones of Cardinal Fuzz is here with a new album, a whittled down version of the massive 4xCD release this past year entitled, Shedding The Albatross. While neither the Fuzz nor sister label Feeding Tube, could find it in their means to press up the set across seven LPs, they decided to slice out some highlights for an LP release and mark it Stellar Remnant. The original was culled from live sessions, and the truncated sister album still travels to the heart of the same blackened sun that the band visited on their massive, extended crusher. The band rides the cosmic edge, finding their way between blown psyche psychedelics and the nebulous edge, letting their usually locked-in jams fetter a bit at the edges, fraying into all manner of matter flying through the outer wormhole these days.

The band centers the album on the massive, 14 and a half minute “Underworld Traveler.” The cut unravels into riff after riff of crushing anti-matter manifestations, then turns in on itself before finally dissolving into the upper atmosphere. Falling outside the main live recording that’s included here, “Navy Cut Blues” is snipped from rehearsal recordings and it’s just as savage as the rehearsal tapes that surfaced from Endless Boogie earlier this year. Fans of that experience should find some sure footing when dealing with Stellar Remnant. Those who’ve been lost to the band without a name for years would do well to start here and let the lavish environs of Stellar Remnant grow up around them. We could all do worse than to get lost in the wilds of The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol.

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