R. McClure & Tall Shadows – “What Have I Done / Me and My Hangover”

More goodness from our neighbors to the North today, with a single from R. McClure & Tall Shadows. McClure wades into the cosmic end of the country spectrum, layering his twang with a gauzy glare that settles onto the speakers in folds of pink fog. The A-side is subdued and nestled into a hammock of harmonies that rock in the breeze. Like his fellow Canadian crooner James Matthew VII he’s plucking some fruit from the trees of Beachwood Sparks, finding that bliss between the bars and its always good to see folks picking at that lineage. The b-side kicks up the tempo and backs off the fog machines just a touch, but there’s still a pillowed glow around the track. The flip might actually be the winner here, as it balances the soft-touch with a heavier dose of slide guitar glee, still scraping the cosmos, but with a bit of dirt caught in its boots. From the sounds of this and a few other scattered tracks from an upcoming LP on Factotum, McClure marks himself as one to watch.

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