Plankton Wat

Sometimes there’s so much noise floating around the gutter of reviews that a gem from a favorite just quietly slips past the locks. Dewey Mahood has always made the most of his solo endeavor as Plankton Wat, and though it never quite achieves the prominence that his work in Eternal Tapestry has, his lonesome universe is definitely a psych-folk monster on the sly. His latest is a tape for the consistently thick catalog of Skylantern Records. Creeping out of the forest with a dank moss hangover, Mahood is quick to dive into the scorched and smoldering territory of deep vein psych.
For Hidden Path he eschews the vocal route entirely, delving deep into dirge territory and fleshing it out his most touching and at turns, incendiary works. Mahood’s gone far into the burrow of psychedelia for an album that’s caustic and tender, bittersweet and effervescent. There are moments of true joy built into Hidden Path, making this Plankton Wat at its pinnacle. The project has often had a mark of a solo indulgence built in as an write off, but with this, Mahood proves that Plankton Wat is quite the serious endeavor, and one to be reckoned with.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.