Mo Dotti – “For Anyone And You”

Among the assorted gems of of 2023 there’s been a welcome undercurrent of indie pop and shoegaze that captures the best of the genre without getting bogged down in the murk. Like the excellent new album from Seablite, a new double-A single out of LA’s Mo Dotti slips into the pop current, then smudges it just slightly. “For Anyone And You” rides a tidal wave of guitar through the speakers, but doesn’t obscure the beating heart of the track, with pop hooks poking out and Gina Negrini’s vocals glazed nicely over the top. The cut is cast in the pinks and purples of MBV, and the band’s love is clear, but they make it feel like a continuation of their works rather than just a loving tribute. The flip, “Late August Early September” turns down the volume, letting the amp-fried fury lap lightly at the underside while the band lays back into the song’s diaphanous haze. Both songs are a bit of a preview of fuller works to come, but for now this is an excellent double shot to cap off the week.
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