Midnite Snaxxx – “Let Me Do What I Want”

Since their 2017 record, Chew On This, Oakland’s Midnite Snaxxx have been spitting singles in fits and starts, but the short forms remain their forte. No disrespect to the full length lovers, but the band’s whiplash spirt is best captured between two sides of short attention span snotty punk built for sunshine hijinx. The A-side, “Let Me Do What I Want,” is a denim-vested world beater that’s not content to take no for an answer and isn’t afraid to lob the first volley in food fight fisticuffs. The song might as well stand as a credo for the California combo – loud, fast and brash – it’s a femme punk fuck you to the ruling class, or at the very least, a middle finger to the store manager on the way out of the sliding doors.
They swap to swooning on the flip side, with a tale of love lost that’s captured by only a handful of pictures left to remember the good times. Both halves serve as shades on the band’s West Coast garage punk that feels perfect as a soundtrack to Mod Podge a vision board of your ideal John Waters future. Here’s hoping the band continues their crusade to add up 7”s of plastic pogo punk for the disenchanted and heartbroken.
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