Jeffrey Alexander + The Heavy Lidders – “West Ellet Fadeaway”

Caught The Heavy Lidders last weekend in the first feasible show I’ve been able to attend in seven month. Its good to be out watching it happen in the flesh, even if its 10 feet from anyone else in an Upstate NY farm field while it happens. The band was cut down to the core of Alexander, Jesse Sheppard, and Scott Verrastro but even with the austere lineup they brought a storm of psychedelic fury. On their first release propper The Lidders are fleshed out between 4 and 5 with extra help from Eklhorn’s Drew Gardiner, Headroom shredder Kryssi Battalene, and Sunwatchers’ Jeff Tobias on sax. The air is thick with ash and amplifer fallout here and there’s a feeling that the band may tear it all down at any moment. The good news is that this is just the first from the band, with rumblings of more Lidders on the way soon. For now, the high-tensity jet fuel burn of “West Ellet Fadeaway” and the rest of this zone out on Baked Tapes will just have to tide you over.
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