Gene Tripp – “Blurry Clouds”

There’s an affecting weight to Gene Tripp’s works, an edge that hangs on the songs like rain clinging to the air in the moments before a deluge. Tripp is a figment, a phantom, an idea that only exists between stylus and the speakers, and so the title of the band’s third album, The Ghost of Gene Tripp, seems a fitting sentiment. Behind the Tripp is Jay Huffman, the Phoenix songwriter who’s embarking on his third outing under the name. While it lists to the lighter side of his works, “Blurry Clouds,” brings with it that weight and myth. The song, built on lyrics by Lonna Kelley, saunters on its strums before the undercurrent of synth threatens to swallow its tail. Fuming out of the speakers, the songs on the new LP are Huffman’s most absorbing to date. The record is out January 27th from Moone Records and Sick Sick Sick.
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