Footings – “Bayou”
Somewhere in the simmering underground, Footings has been working out a bruised folk, letting out three records on Sophomore Lounge and Don’t Live Like Me. They bring their latest via Sophomore Lounge and Feeding Tube. With members of Pile, Rick Rude, Death To Tyrants, and Ampere in the mix, Eric Gagne traces the shapes of his scars over the course of Annihilation. “Bayou” makes good use of Elisabeth Fuchsia’s viola, welling up a wealth of melancholy light over its short run. Gagne’s vocals are lacquered with a weariness that dissolves into relief over the course of the song. It’s a patient exhalation, that ties the listener to the sunset and lets them sink into the waters edge. The record is out July 30th.
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