Field School

A full year for the members of Seattle’s indie pop faves Math & Physics Club results in full lengths from two tributaries, the upcoming LP from Model Shop and When Summer Comes from Field School. Where Model Shop work on harmonies in camaraderie, Charles Bert skews towards twee in solitude. The songs on the album were created in isolation, and as such there’s a palpable pining and loneliness to them, but not so much so that they override the album’s core sweetness. The bittersweet blush of Bert’s songs carry When Summer Comes, an album that’s languishing in lovesick jangles and the faded photo veneer of nostalgia in the vocals.

That nostalgia pulls at the edges of the album, careful not to overwhelm it. While its an album that’s pulling from the beloved well of US/UK janglers, there’s something fresh about it, squeezing in neatly next to fellow new wave indie pop gems from The Umbrellas, Chime School, Jeanines, and The Reds, Pinks and Purples on the shelf. What Bert truly succeeds at, more than just echoing his influences, is imbuing the songs with a sense of longing. The last few years were marked with a sense of distance and loss and When Summer Comes captures the feeling of staring out the window wishing for fresh air and friendship once more.

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