
Sophomore outing from blooze-psych unit Dommengang knuckles down into the parched settings of their new move West. With the aid The Fucking Champs’ Tim Greene, they’ve worked through a record that’s punching the same bruised flesh as Endless Boogie or Quest for Fire but shot through with a reverence for motorik chug and psych fray that begs some relevance to newer space rock fronters like Föllakzoid or indie heavies Black Mountain. Drummer Adam Bulgasem locks down the beat like an iron anchor, pulling the band’s whirlwind fray a bit closer to Earth, but he’s hard pressed to keep things from feeling a bit hairy. Dommengang pummels through a greasy set of bottom feeder bombast that stops only to wipe the sweat with a tender tone-down on the album’s title track.

Over the rest of the record the L.A. transplants shudder the ground with a steel-toed amp rumble that feels comfortable soundracking top-down, red line rips through the canyon in the creeping darkness of sundown. There’s a predatory quality, slinking and preening through the songs on Love Jail. They howl in the shadows and flicker like firelight in the distance. Their heat mostly burns barren and sinister though, not a welcoming refuge but a dangerous encampment to be skirted by those looking for purchase. Though, they flash a bit of underbelly on the aforementioned title track and creeping closer, “Stay Together.” This is a nice step forward from the band’s debut, not cracking the compass on new directions but keeping the line taut within their current tack.

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