Daniel Bachman – “540 Supercell”
This forthcoming album from Daniel Bachman is shaping up to be a jolt to the system, a wake up call for a world with its head still largely buried in the sand. “540 Supercell,” and its accompanying video deal with the increasing frequency of catastrophic flooding, specifically native to Bachman’s residence around the Shenandoah Valley, but at large in the world as sea levels rise along with temperatures. The song finds Bachman’s rolling banjo lines bubbling underneath the sounds of static, heavy winds, and squalls of rain. There’s a feeling of trying to catch hold, but the song and it’s aesthetics spin out of control before the listener can catch them. Bachman’s upcoming Almanac Behind is a treatise on the world’s climate disaster and the battle against ambivalence and outright obfuscation of the truths that face us sooner rather than later. Bachman’s music has become more barren, focused, and scarred of late and Almanac Behind is shaping up to be one of his most unforgiving and necessary explorations of Americana as its informed by the spectrum of its mindset. The new album is out November 18th from Three Lobed.
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