Woods – “Another Side”

Woods offer up another double shot from their upcoming album Perennial today, following a similar offering just a few weeks ago. Like scuffed-glass glow of “Between The Past,” there’s a bit of a return home for Woods on “Another Side,” feeling like the knotted, fuzz-cradled gems that haunted the stretch from Echo Lake to Bend Beyond. While he’s not there, one can almost feel a phantom limb of G. Lucas Crane’s corroded tapes whipping through the ozone in the air. The song slips into the groove almost immediately, putting aside niceties to ride a wave of sweat-lipped percussion from John Andrews with buzzing keys and frothy doses of guitar. The new record arrives September 15th, just in time for the label’s latest round of the Woosist Festival, itself a perennial tradition here in Upstate NY. Check out the new single along with its counterpoint, the more open-skied strummer “Weep.”

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