Uni Boys – “Let’s Watch A Movie”
Every new single out of the new Uni Boys solidifies their status as power pop scholars who can’t miss. The band offers up “Let’s Watch A Movie,” a cut that splits the speakers between 20/20 and Milk n’ Cookies riffs before the band lets loose with a bit of Beach Boys surf-curled harmonies towards the latter half. The cut instantly imprints itself on the listener, feeling like it may have always existed, just waiting in a dollar bin for the right ears and a bit of loose change. The band pairs the cut with a hammy, but endearing, video that feels like the dawn of the MTV days with low stakes and a cable access budget. It’s a perfect fit for a song that’s doused in the crossover out of ’79 and into a nascent ‘80s. The band’s new album, Buy This Now!, is out October 13th from Curation Records.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.