Six Organs of Admittance – “Somewhere in the Hexagon of Saturn”
The Three Lobed 20th anniversary series just continues to open up into one of the greatest gifts of 2021. The latest has Six Organs of Admittance exploring the mirror image of the guitar god on “Somewhere in the Hexagon of Saturn.” With the first taste of The Veiled Sea, we’re thrown into a sound that’s both larger than life and captured in miniature. With a minimal backbone that pulls from the German Progressives, specifically Göttsching’s slow-motion rhythm mechanics, Ben Chasny proceeds to fry the brain stem with guitar histrionics that would have befit ‘80s stages, leather sweat and saturated with the Par Can shadows and a house brought to a hush. Yet this isn’t a mid-set sonic flex, it’s glam under the microscope, a riff world in miniature backlit by flashlights onto the bedroom wall. Ben is Jeaque Cousteau diving to the heart of darkness to exhume the phosphorescent world of six string thrust and we’re all along for the trip quietly peering into the glimmer he’s captured. The new LP is out June 25th on Three Lobed.
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