Psychic Temple – ” Doggie Paddlin’ Thru The Cosmic Consciousness”

More excellent news (and some bittersweet) out of Big Ego today. Following last year’s expansive jazz explorations with synth luminary Lisa Bella Donna, Psychic Temple announce a new album on the way this Spring. The album, which Chris Shlarb has admitted may be the band’s last, mixes the psychedelic folk and pop from the band’s past with the players and progression from its more recent years. The upcoming Doggie Paddlin’ Thru The Cosmic Consciousness features an almost staggering amount of collaborators, a true feat for Schlarb who isn’t known for austere lineups. The record features Dave Easley on steel with Tabor Allen, Ben Lumsdaine, and Ryan Jewell on drums. Josh Ottum, Doug McCombs, and Davin Givhan on bass. Heather Sommerhauser adds keyboard and vocals alongside Ann Thaiss, Alicia Walter, Eamon Fogarty, Adriana Schlarb, and Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon also chipping in voice. Mike Baggetta, Chris Forsyth, Michael Krassner, Max Knouse, T.J. Masters all add guitar with, of course Schlarb himself on guitar.

The album opens with the title track, a Cosmic American wander that’s deserving of its title. Pushing through 7+ minutes of warm desert magic laced with organ and a chorus of background vocals, the song sways in its afternoon amble. There’s a heavy heart, or at least a deep sigh ingrained in the cut, the kind of swan song that’s fitting for the band’s storied career. The new album is out May 31st from Chris’ own Big Ego.

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