Levi J. Burr – “Magpie Drop (feat. BJ Cole)”

Had this album earmarked from its Aussie release last year, slipping out quietly in the last couple of months of a packed 2023, but now, thanks to Scissor Tail, it’s arrived on U.S. shores. Aussie guitarist Levi J. Burr gives a country curl to the fingerpicked guitar album, positioning his works between Joseph Allred and SUSS in its captivating run. The album picks up quite a few notable collaborators, sparring pedal steel with UK legend BJ Cole, perennial favorite Chuck Johnson, Aussie local Jy-Perry Banks, and Will Van Horn. On “Magpie Drop” Burr and Cole weave a verdant tapestry over a welcome patter of percussion. Scissor Tail only has a handful of these so its best to act quick on this one. Another Domino Map is out June 4th.

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