
These chaps from Geelong have been a long time coming on this one, teasing with some singles, but finally cracking the egg wide open with Parallax Error. Cutting the swath down new wave’s long tail of influences, you’d be remiss not to notice the fingerprints of Mark Mothersbaugh littered on this one, but there’s plenty of room for Gary Numan via his Ultravox obsession and the quirkiness of The Buggles and Flying Lizard sprawled across those synth lines. That’s not to say that this sounds like an 80’s comp, rather that the band seems to have chewed on their fair share of pop laced outsiders and let the sound drive them to find their own antisocial corner to crawl in. There’s a Plasticine film pulled over the top of Parallax, refracting the light in angled shapes and making it hard to grip, but isn’t that just the fun part? Nothing here sticks easy, its catchy but catches in your throat just as often. A damn fine salvo from the South Hemi if I do say so.


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