Daniel Bachman – “Flood Stage”

The last album from Daniel Bachman pushed his composition well past the fingerpicked folk and atmospheric drone of his early works. Axacan picked apart Americana and laid it bare, cut it open and let the rot of the American dream spill out into the ditches of the mind. His follow-up only rubs soil and sadness further into the wound. On the first taste of his upcoming Almanac Behind, the patient hues of “Flood Stage” rust under his care before being overtaken by field recordings of Virginian rivers rushing at flood stage through the listener’s senses. A steady sense of panic, of impending doom runs through the piece. The heartbeat pulse behind the track starts off steady, but becomes a metronome that leans towards menace as a sense of danger creeps in at moments when it feels too late to slow the collapse. The song laps at the anxiety of environmental torment with a perfect sense of inevitable and dire consequence. The album is on the way from Three Lobed on November 18th.

Support the artist. Buy it HERE.

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