Bleached – “Shitty Ballet”

Bleached have been on a constant tumble away from garage their whole career and with “Shitty Ballet,” they’ve rolled clean out. The track is patient and coiled, starting with the spare, yet driven guitar of Jessica Clavin and followed soon by the perfectly exasperated vocals of her sister Jennifer. The track’s a build to an inevitable breaking point. You can feel it coming on from the moment the first strum hits, but its no less satisfying when the band finally breaks down the levee and lets loose with a torrent of fuzz, crashing through with a deluge of frustration that melts into catharsis. They red-line the song without a care for fidelity or formality and it’s the kind of scream along satisfaction that picks at the best scabs of ‘90s indie. Catch the video for the new song above.

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