Al Harper – “Plaster of Paris”

It’s a good day for indie pop around RSTB and the new single from Oakland’s Al Harper is hitting a sweet spot between The Pretenders, Pearl Charles, and Strawberry Switchblade. “Plaster of Paris” swims in a swirl of sun-dappled haze. It skips along on an indie pop beat, but there’s far more going on in the song than mere jangles n’ strums. Shades of country and Canyon folk echo her Bakersfield upbringing. Gauzy keys dunk the song in dreampop, but it wrestles free of being defined by any of those genres wholesale It’s draped in a breezy sound that could have only originated on the West Coast, and once it hits the speakers, it’s easy to let it linger on repeat. Harper’s new record, The Analemma Observation League, is out February 23rd from Take A Turn Records.

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