Winged Wheel – “Monsella”

Got a new one here from a few RSTB faves, packing out the ranks with Cory Plump (Spray Paint), Whitney Johnson (Matchess), Fred Thomas (Tyvek, Idle Ray), and Matthew Rolin (Powers/Rolin Duo). The cross-country cross-section of talent all found common ground playing at Cory’s excellent Upstate bar Tubby’s, the heart of the musical underground for the Upper Hudson Valley. Winged Wheel was birthed in a conversation between Cory and Fred, with the latter providing some punishing drum tracks for Cory to use to write songs for a new project. Rolin lends a spectral guitar that’s worlds away from a lot of the material that his name normally brings to mind, letting the strings smudge rather than ramble and it rounds things out nicely here. The whole deal’s sewn up with the shoegaze shimmer of Whitney’s vocals, buried just slightly in the mix but still lending an opalescent yearning to the song. Despite their distanced locales, the four were able to carve out eight tracks for the upcoming No Island, slated for April 29th on 12xU.

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