Whistling Arrow – “Forking Paths”

This Heat founder Charles Hayward has been having a hell of a year, with an acclaimed solo record, collaboration with Keiji Haino and now this simmering new LP on the way from Whistling Arrow. The band alongside Hayward is made up of Laura Cannell, Andre Bosman plus members of Ex-Easter Island Head on prepared guitars. The track strains and stretches, rumbles through rhythm and bites into the flesh of experimental and classical canons. The ensemble builds their disjointed cacophony with a nod to invisible funk – possibly only existing in the mind, filtering between the bars. There’s a sense of dance arcing over the track, bones of jazz that tumble to the floor the instant the strings start to get caught in the beast’s teeth. It’s definitely got me curious how the rest of this will shake out. Check the track below and look out for Forking Paths November 22nd on God Unknown.

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