Wet Tuna – “Northern Sky > Bleak Horizon”
The Fake Bookie saga continues, as is now becoming a Bandcamp Friday favorite around here. Wet Tuna return for a fourth installment of their series of extended jams and covers, this time laying into Dylan, Cornell Campbell, Marvin Gaye (or H-D-H if you want to get technical), and Nick Drake for a set of four deeply damp and undeniably gauzy hits from the Tunaverse. As only Matt and Pat can, they let time slow down and these eleven to sixteen-minute versions seem to soak into the marrow for a moment, never overstaying their welcome. They even stray from their usual model with a more tender swing at “Northern Sky,” giving the Drake tune a lot more space to wander around. They push out of the syrup and strums for an extended jam that lifts the song into the ether driving “Bleak Horizon” which boils the Tuna sound down to some elemental vibes letting the twin guitars simmer over the scotch tape snap of drums and iced keys. If the Tuna is already on your radar, then there’s little more to say than vol. 4 and this should be in the cart.
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