The Hanging Stars – “Black Light Night”

A brand new single sweeps out of the upcoming Hanging Stars LP, Hollow Heart. The UK band have leaned into the psychedelic undertones that were always present in their past works, but on the new record the blurred edges take prominence. With an opening riff that recalls a touch of ‘90s yearning à la The Dandies or BJM, the song immediately swerves into cosmic territory rather than embrace the aesthetic wholesale. With a weathered earnestness the band dusts a bit of pop onto their sound finding a melancholic balance on “Black Light Night.” The bulk of the album lets their country side show a bit more prominently, but here The Hanging Stars are headswum and hurting in the darkness. The sepia tones of the video by Julian Hand give it a nice touch as well. The new album is out March 25th from Loose Music.

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