Sky Furrows – “36 Ways of Looking at a Memory ”

Capturing a vibe halfway between Patti Smith and Sonic Youth, Albany’s Sky Furrows bring together poet/writer Karen Schoemer and members of psych rock unit Burnt Hills. The latest taste of the album winds in crouched, its surfaces calloused — a song pent up and pacing around the streets looking for an outlet. The first sip of the album, “Alyosha” started tense but burst into serrated shards of guitar, but here the relief never comes, the song strapped with tension to the last moments. That palpable tension works well. The guitars are still pulled taut, tripwires in waiting, tiny traps without prey. The narrative spins — drudgery or dream, its hard to tell. Sky Furrows have a way of capturing the ‘90s burn that skirted experimental while seeping into the mainstream as labels scrambled to get their alternative ducks in a row. For casual listeners something like “36 Ways of Looking at a Memory” was a head scratcher between the more explosive moments on a favorite album, but for those with the right kind of ears, it’s the bound confusion we were looking for all along. The eponymous record is out October 15th.

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