Sky Burrow Tales

Seems like a day to burrow deep into the psychedelic core and with the release of their debut, Seafarin’ and Backporchin’, Austrian duo Sky Burrow Tales seek to mine a nebulous fold between the cosmic float and body buzz drone. The album opens with the sprawling expanse of “Polaris,” which sets the pores alight with vibrations before they scrape towards something more ephemeral. Finding their way tumbling into the blissed states of Headdress and Brightblack Morning Light, the pair have a way with corralling the last light of day and funneling it through the speakers. The songs on the record are interlaced with the lapping of field recordings which have the effect of submerging the listener into shallow water to float while the sounds foam all around them. The record washes from sun-streaked serenity to a more tightly wound ambience that pulls in from Barn Owl and Steven R. Smith, but the waters never let us linger too long in the eddy of fear.

The pulse levels out and the mind fuzz returns, the sky going gummy once again and the air becoming humid with the melt of guitar. I appreciate an album that settles into a recline, laying back while the players embrace the edge of the horizon and map its contours. The record balances bliss with anxiety, nature with machine in ways that pull the listener from locked to lax in a matter of minutes, but the journey feels less chaotic than that might let on. The pair let us all float, with moments of fighting the freedom that might bring. While the seafarin’ might be less obvious — more submerged than navigating the straights — the backporchin’ is front in center and much appreciated. Let the currents take you here and even when the dark creeps in, know that the light will be just around the next bend.

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