Six Organs of Admittance – “All That They Left You”

Another sixteen foot stomper from the upcoming Six Organs of Admittance descends this week.Chasny has dispensed with the quietude and cinder-scuffed growl of his catalog for a record that’s built on the altar of riff and few tracks from the new album show it as well as “All They Left You.” Ben’s guitars are sharpened to a glistening edge — stainless steel shred melted to a molten pool and then flash frozen into statues of Eddie Van Halen and Vernon Reid. An oil-slicked motorik pulse pushes the air underneath, but it never quite drags the gaze away from the boiling point of amplifier overload that’s happening in their presence. The album has usurped the stadium solos and guitar god stance and blown it through the mirror, turning the Lothario licks of our youth into refracted fun-house memories. It’s one of Ben’s most singular albums yet, and while Six Organs regulars might scratch their heads, those who have breathed in Ben’s full catalog from across the spectrum can feel the connective tissues working, even as they’re stretched to their limits. The new album, The Veiled Sea, is out June 25th from Three Lobed as part of their 20th anniversary run.

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