Rose City Band – “Ramblin’ With The Day”

Well like everything in 2021, the release for Rose City Band’s upcoming LP got pushed a bit. The record was originally slated to land this week, but instead we’ve got a new single to chew on and a wait until next month to get this beauty on the turntable. Ripley makes the wait all the sweeter with the release of “Ramblin’ With the Day.” The new album has a looser feel than the previous RCB records and that tumbleweed roll and heat ripple shimmer is woven deep into “Ramblin.” The song has as locomotive chug to it, but Johnson’s guitars melt the wagon to the wheels, letting us all bake in the high afternoon sun while the buttered bends of his strings keep us coming back again and again. The record, a commune with nature that might make a good companion piece to Sarah Louise’s humid hummer from earlier in the month, is one of Rip’s best, though those who’ve been following RCB for the past few years have come to expect nothing but gems out of this band. The record is now out June 25th.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.