Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement

Dominick Fernow (Prurient/Vatican Shadow) lives in a world that’s ostensibly clouded by darkness and thatched with shades of bleak hopelessness. In his most coiled character, Rainforest Spiritual Enslavelment, he’s also perhaps at his minimalist best. Under this moniker he works completely instrumental, opening Green Graves with a set piece of jungle rain that creeps into the animalistic slink of the album’s mindset. Further into the shadowed underbrush, Fernow keeps things calm and collected on the surface, but winds its springs tight with a sense of unease bubbling just under the veneer of each of the album’s lengthy tracks. A sense of dampness pervades the album, with rain filtering throughout several of the tracks and its easy to see that the Rainforest banner isn’t purely coincidental or ornamental.

This seems to be Fernow at his most cinematic, the jungle themes bringing to mind taught Vietnam war films and the knife edge tensions of Predator. He’s crafted a fight or flight world that, while it never escalates the fight, keeps it within expectations at all time. It would almost be too easy to just let this pot boil over and explode into the kind of chaos that’s certainly lurking in Fernow’s darkness, but he shows his masterful restraint by snaking the listener through danger and threatening to let blood at any moment. Fans of Fernow’s other work will certainly be pleased but there’s plenty to love here for fans of some more recent horror soundtracks. Its less flashy, but by no means less effective.

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