Plankton Wat’s Hidden Path issued on LP

Saw this one yesterday and didn’t get a chance to mention it, but good news for Plankton Was fans comes down the pike as Dewey’s 2017 Cassette Hidden Path is given the vinyl issue treatment by Thrill Jockey this year. I wrote about the tape back when it came out, and you can dive into that here. At the time I noted “Creeping out of the forest with a dank moss hangover, Mahood is quick to dive into the scorched and smoldering territory of deep vein psych. For Hidden Path he eschews the vocal route entirely, delving deep into dirge territory and fleshing it out his most touching and at turns, incendiary works. Mahood’s gone far into the burrow of psychedelia for an album that’s caustic and tender, bittersweet and effervescent.” The new edition of the album is out May 20th.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.