Peel Dream Magazine – “Up and Up”

I’d been into Peel Dream Magazine’s debut, though it always seemed like the prelude to something – a faded photo of what they wanted to be in another time. With a new LP on the way, the band gives a preview of what that might be with an EP for Tough Love Records. Chasing the tail of Stereolab through the labyrinth of soft-focus psychedelia, “Up and Up” is a hazed strummer laced with melancholic keys and a faraway look in its eyes. The song swoons until it gets lost in the clouds, dissolving into the shimmer off of the water vapor world it occupies until the band becomes one with the glimmer. High hopes on what’s next with the introduction of this track. The EP lands at Tough Love on November 29th with promises of more to come from the label and band on the horizons.

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