Patrick Shiroishi – “If Only Heaven Would Give Me Another Ten Years”

Every time the name Patrick Shiroishi shows up, there’s a guaranteed chance that the record’s going to be a stunner. That’s happening more than ever these days, as the saxophonist has already packed in a staggering number of performances for 2023, including stints with Joseph Allred, Peace Flag Ensemble, The Armed, Xiu Xiu and more. Now, Shiroishi embarks on his third solo album, following up on the emotional, personal, and historical work Hidemi from 2021 and the stunning Descension from 2020. The new record was recorded in a single, improvised take among the echoes of a parking structure near his childhood home at 1:30 AM. The record serves as a document of sound, space, noise, and reverberation. The structure itself is as much as an instrument as the saxophone and glockenspiel that he’d brought with him, turning the record into a funhouse mirror of sound that finds the sax skipping around the headspace. The new single, “If Only Heaven Would Give Me Another Ten Years,” showcases the space’s integral elements, letting his sax lines echo and decay into mournful silence. The cut is accompanied by a new video from Jordan Reyes, shot in Super 8 and feeling like a childhood vignette plucked from the dust of memory. The new record, I Was Too Young To Hear Silence, arrives November 10th from American Dreams.

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