Mouth Painter – “A Yardin’ I Once Went”

Figures I’d go on vacation and a ton of new treasures would pop up during the week, but I’m back and trying to sift through some of the best that I missed. Early in the week Mouth Painter announced their third album, a joint release between Arrowhawk, Feeding Tube, and Cardinal Fuzz. Tropical Moon brings together RSTB fave Barry Walker Jr. with Valerie Osterberg and Jason Wilmon for a dose of Cosmic Americana that makes ample use of Walker’s sunset slide, cooling it off in the banks of the Colorado with mists of flute and a slight country tilt. The first single “A Yardin’ I Once Went” is an early morning melter, burning off the fog of the day with the ache of Walker’s slides, and open window harmonies from Osterberg/Walker and a cold breath of flute on the back of the neck. Its a gorgeous, painted vista of a track and an excellent introduction to the band if you’re unfamiliar. The new album is out September 3rd.

Support the artist. Buy it HERE or HERE.

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