Marvelous Mark

I have to admit, I have a soft spot for power pop that echoes the ’90s variety, sloshing through the lurid puddles of sound left behind by Matthew Sweet, Weezer and Teenage Fanclub. There are quite a few that are picking at this point in the power pop food chain, choosing to ignore the roots of the sound that tied heavily to ’60s nostalgia or ’70s sinew. Toronto’s Mark Fosco definitely has his roots in this varietal, and every heartsick note comes ringing through with a love for the big stage bittersweet riffs that permeated the sunnier side of grunge’s heyday.
The LP has rough moments, it’s chewed through with fuzz like an asbestos coating over a great deal of these tracks, but underneath the cracked woofer tone is a syrupy sweet bit of pop that definitely makes better use of the aforementioned Fanclub, Superdrag or Ash’s approach than the majority of the pop punk followers of the sound. Fosco has a knack for finding big hooks and running them through a sticky sweet bummer echo chammber that’s welling up some nostalgia for cracked case mixtapes of days past. Yes, by nature this is leaning on the crutch built from others‘ accomplishments, but I’ll be damned if he isn’t making it sound fun to cherry pick the past.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.