Marcel Wave – “Barrow Boys”

Still catching up on a crush of singles from the past week and, as usual, Upset The Rhythm delivers. With members of Sauna Youth and Cold Pumas in the lineup, the odds are already good, but the band light into a post-punk pound that’s caustic, but barbed with hooks that snag and pick at the listener until they draw blood, Marcel Wave prove ones to watch. The first single, “Barrow Boys” takes its time, toying with bass and ravaged riffs before it opens up into a crushing chorus that burrows under the skin. The band’s winking resolve to the collapse of the crown, town, and world around ‘em is a fun romp to turn up while the pillars of capitalism crumble. The band’s debut Something Looming is out June 14th from Upset The Rhythm.

Support the artist. Buy it HERE (UK) or HERE (US).

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