Large Plants – “La Isla Bonita”

The A-side here is exactly as it seems, but so much more than it sounds on paper. Large Plants is a solo work by Jack Sharp from Wolf People, and his uncannily ‘70s prog lilt marks this release as well, tucking into a Madonna classic without a hint of irony in sight. As Ghost Box themselves admit, under Jack’s hand, the song sounds as if it might have originally existed as an English prog classic long before it existed as an ‘80s heart-wringer. There’s something in the faraway themes, the wistfulness of it all that seem like they could have been a fuzz-caked cut long before the pop icon ever go a hold of the tune. Call it revisionist history, but somehow it works. Sharp backs the cut up with another rumbler that runs more blues than the single side. I’m not quite sure from the sounds here if this is just a one-off whim from Jack or if he’s evolving a solo project proper, but its a welcome addition to the prism of the past over at Ghost Box. Add this one to the essential singles pile for 2021 before everyone draws it to a close.
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