Kendra Amalie – “Breathe Underwater”

After a year spent summoning the psychedelic spirts with an enviable roster of regulars (Prana Crafter, Dire Wolves, L’éclair, Garcia Peoples) Beyond Beyond is Beyond add to their stable of new blood with the addition of Kendra Amalie. The first cut from her upcoming Intuition is dense and methodical, looping round and around a mantra of “May I breathe underwater? It wouldn’t take much more than a heart.” Amalie’s guitars scratch at the listener, snarling and prodding them out of the murky echo that lies beneath “Breathe Underwater”s.” core. The song’s a study in contradictions – gauzy to the point that it becomes slick with condensation, yet tactile, tense, and ready to burst out of the drowning pull at any moment. Amalie plays with contradictions all over her upcoming LP, but this acts as a nice intro to her formidable skill set.

She’s given a little insight into what makes “Breathe Underwater” tick, noting that, “Making a song like this was a shift from what I’d been doing. In 2016 I started playing with Sam Cook (bass), influenced by punk and funk. Until we met, I’d been more focused on space and texture. Over the last few years he’s encouraged the exploration of speed and structural variation. Other prevailing influences are concepts in consciousness, human potential, and spiritual empowerment personified as stories of human relationships, and how those relationships are a macrocosm of systems in the body, and a microcosm of the systems of earth and the universe. Breathe Underwater is kind of a return home, a connection to close the loop. Plus, a dash of polyrhythmic synth playing to the beat ala prog art rock.”

Check out the video above and look for the LP out September 5th.

Support the artist. Buy it HERE.

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