Karl Frog – “Nuclear Submarines”

Been meaning to get a moment with this one. This is billed as the second tape from Karl Frog, an amateur musician from Canberra/Estonia coming out through Al Montfort’s Hidiotic label, though this just feels like a clever ruse, eh? Whether its Al in disguise or not doesn’t really matter (ed note: it’s not, ha). This one hearkens back to a time of just digging through dollar bins and finding gold among the cast off CDs of college radio stations. There’s plenty of synth pop pleasures to be found on the Frog’s album, picking at lo-fi beats and buzzing thrift-store keys. The opener “Nuclear Submarines” is among the most polished of the bunch, reveling in a thick cloud of guitar and a confessional cadence that warms the senses. The album is out now as a pay as you wish Bandcamp, but its more than worth a few spins and a full tip cup.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.