Jeffrey Alexander – “Perpetual Sunrise”

There’s no drought of works from Jeffrey Alexander lately, but no complaints on the influx of great tunes around here either. While his proper debut with The Heavy Lidders is still on the dock for later in the year, he’s got a solo tape on the way next week from Garden Portal and the first peek in is the tender, gossamer glow of “Perpetual Sunrise.” Over the years Alexander’s music has taken many forms and its lovely to see what style he capture in any given release. While his output lately has been skewing heavier with The Lidders and heady with Dire Wolves, his solo sphere and Black Forest / Black Sea have always save s space for quieter moments. With Alexander in fingerpicked guitar form here, he plucks out a patient and plaintive piece that’s augmented with the pulsating hum of synths. Can’t wait to hear more from Reyes when it arrives next week in a new bath of Portal tapes. For now the glowing video from Katrina Ohstrom should give you a good idea of the album’s heft.

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