Ignatz & De Stervende Honden – “Rubber Panda”

A third album is on the rise from Ignatz & De Stervende Honden and it dives once more into the smoked vortex of progressive throb and Les Rallisez Dénudés-type oblivion. Album closer “Rubber Panda” takes a German rhythm ride while letting Bram Devens tosses the track into the void with cascading runs of guitar. Still no cracks of sunlight seeping into the world of Ignatz. In fact this one seems quite the opposite — a pre-dawn head swim that’s seething in the damp darkness. Drevens’ works without De Stervende Honden cover a starkness that’s not as feral, or hungry, but with the full group backing him they pick up a bit of the yoke dropped by fellow Belgians Sylvester Anfang II (whose Tommy De Nys plays bass here). The new album, Saturday’s Den, is out via Ultra Eczema on October 1st.

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