Hot Apple Band

So Long Noodle House has been holding court on the speakers around here for the past few months, as you may well have noticed. Along with The Bures Band, the duo serves up one of the best Aussie platters of the year, and like their contemporaries they share an affinity for the more sun-splashed vistas of the ‘70s. The two bands share a knack for West Coast comfort, though Hot Apple Band also have an Apple Records in ‘em, streak waxed to a walnut sheen and pumping out pop that skirts the Harrison/Badfinger valley with amiable ease. Throw in a few nods tipping towards the works of Nilsson, Jeff Lynne and Roy Wood and those of you with Drugdealer and Lemon Twigs LPs on the shelf ought to perk up and pay attention.

Jack Kinder and Lewis Mosley prove a formidable songwriting pair, turning coming of age yearning with a soft spot for sunshine harmonies into a golden-hued debut. The record is soaked in sunburnt guitar, with Mosley’s leads often leaving a few scorch marks on the soul as they pass on by, but more often than not the record lounges in an afternoon warmth. Its the attention to detail and atmosphere that makes So Long Noodle House stick to the ribs. Kinder’s production hews to vintage forms, leaving a bit of a Kodachrome veneer on the album — faded and folded in just the right spots. While the record was undoubtedly meticulously constructed the band makes it feel effortless, weaving power pop, folk, country saunter, and AOR touches into a dazzling tapestry. Its an ambitious debut, and hopefully just the beginning from the songwriting pair.

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