Guruguru Brain round up Kribo Records Bands

A sly announcement on this one fell in the shadow of Kikagaku Moyo’s album release lately, but the off-the-path releases from Guruguru Brain are half the fun. Sounds of Lecak Vol. 1 bounds up the works surrounding Haqim Maggot, or just Maggot as he’s often billed. Maggot runs Singapore’s Kribo Records. With an ear towards funk, but filtered through psychedelic lenses, disco refractions, with dashes of soul and surf, he surrounds himself with a roster of like-minded souls all looking to tighten those common threads. The compilation is an overview of his works under names like The Kirbo Brothers, Golden Mile Band, The Ugly Voices, Hong Chunao Street Band, and a rotating slew of others. The comp lands June 1st in partnership wit TAV Records.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.